Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I am still sore in the abdomen and today I woke up with the headache from hell!!! I thought I was ready to go back to work and went 1 day, then called in sick yesterday. After talking with my doc's office, we decided I would not go to work today either and rest up. I described what I was feeling...pressure, pain and general uncomfortableness...she said everything sounded normal and working for 12 hrs sitting in a chair was most likely way too much pressure, too soon, on my tummy and my surgery sites. I think she was right. I came home in terrible pain and still walked for a mile with my husband and son, then really didn't feel good. Ugh... I have been resting since and I am starting to feel a bit better but can't shake the headache. Doc's office also suggested upping my fluid intake and getting back on regular gas-x for now. Which I have done. I took 2 tylenol today to help with the headache, but not working so far. I am going to try to get a nap in soon (I slept AWFUL) if I can get my son down for a nap. I think I should've had my MIL come watch him today so I could sleep...But I told her I could watch him. I still can't lift him but he's a pretty self-sufficient 2 yr old, he doesn't require lifting at all and will climb up in my lap if he wants. He knows to be careful of Momm'y belly... he's still saying "your belly hurts, mommy? are you betters?" haha He's the sweetest kid ever, I'm sure of it.
I will be back at work on Sunday. I think I will be ok by then as long as I take it easy the next few days. I am supposed to attend a friend's bday party on Friday night, it's a Tacky Prom theme, which sounds like a lot of fun, and who couldn't use some fun. BUt I am still debating whether to go or not. I think it will be a last minute decision if I go. I am fun without alcohol so being the only sober one there doesn't bug me. I offered to drive a couple friends if I do go. My husband has no desire to go, so he'll be home with Hunter. I am going to try to find a thrift store tacky dress Thursday in case I decide to go. I love theme parties.
Today I am in the recliner, again. Just took a shower and put fresh jammies on. Planning on watching a few movies and just chilling out. Rain is coming (it was 80 and beautiful just 2 days ago) so I feel blah anyways...

I am still GLAD I did the surgery and have no regrets. I knew with my autoimmune diseases recovery might be a little tougher and I expected it. I am attributing some of this to those diseases. I am not taking all the meds I normally take because they make me oversleep and then I am comatose all day the next day--- I don't wanna be so groggy. I may have to take something tonight to have a good night's sleep though. Lack of sleep really makes me flare up...so does stress. So I am trying to stay calm, positive and hopeful!! I can't wait to feel my version of normal again. I'm sure it will be soon!!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Getting to Know Me

My name: Michelle... but most of my friends call me Chelle! To my nieces, it's Auntie Chelle and to my husband, it's usually Babe, if not Pain in the Ass (PITA) or Drama Queen...lol

My bday: 10/30/80... this year I turn THIRTY! Vegas, baby!

My kids: 1 terrific, intelligent and handsome as heck son, Hunter. 2 1/2 yrs old...no plans for another baby, but considering adoption later

My husband: Jody...who had RNY 2 yrs ago and it a great success story. Right now he's probably running 3-7 miles...lol

My job: Wife and MOM first! 911 Emergency Dispatcher and Communications Training Officer, second.

Fav color: PINK PINK PINK, I am the most girlie tomboy you'll ever meet!

Fav food: Pre-op Mexican and bring on the chips and salsa please!... these days cheese cheese cheese

Fav RNY-friendy beverage: Snapple Noni Berry yummmmmy! and Vitamin Water Zero Natural Lemonade..tastyness!

Hobbies: I LOVE to sing...one day I'd love to be in a band! It would be amazing! I love movies, travel, swimming (I live in my pool in the summer with my son!) and shopping till I drop (or spend too much!)

Something most people don't know about me: I am an avid nail biter, you wouldn't notice until you see my shooooort nails...stubs really
AND I am addicted to reality shows...AND I have a secret dream (ok not so secret) of being in a production of GREASE, on SNL and win a grammy... I'm not asking for much am I?? Oh and I would love love love to be a model, a Plus-sized Model, not a toothpick. Is that enough "secrets"?? haha

Pets: 2 beagles...Rex (11) and Chloe (9)


I am the person you can always count on. I am someone that gives good advice but can also listen. I am fair. I am loving and loyal. I am traditional and modern. I am a daughter,mother, sister, niece, friend, wife, lover, co-worker... I am ME. I am responsible, mature and dependable but I am also silly, immature and nerdy at times! I am fun to be with and the life of the party. I love attention but I hide from it. I am a dreamer. I am a believer. I am spiritual and full of faith. I owe the world nothing, but I give it everything. I am motivated and ambitious. I am stronger than anyone knows. I am a trooper! I am brave but scared, loud but quiet. I am outgoing and make new friends all the time. I am not shy. I am funny and witty and sarcastic. I would never intentionally hurt your feelings and I am not afraid to be wrong and apologize. I am ME.

Lasagna Voila! RNY-friendly! AND delish!!!

Tonight I made something delicious, that went down well and was totally satisfying, so I MUST share !!!

(Thanks to Rose (mommyosarose on O.H.) for the dish name!!

Ingredients: (amounts depend on how much u want to make!)
1 small can tomato sauce (not paste-- small can, store brand is fine)
1 packet Spaghetti Seasoning
Ground Beef
Cottage Cheese
Mozzarella Cheese (i used string cheese since I had tons on hand!)

Mix about 1/3 of the seasoning packet into the sauce
Layer everything in a microwave safe dish- cottage cheese, sauce, meat, sauce, mozzarella
Zap it in the microwave about 2 mins... and voila!


Back in the recliner, wish I was back in the saddle!

Today was 12 days post-RNY for me...and first day back to work after 18 days off. BAD IDEA. Although I have a desk job, it is a 12 hr shift and despite standing for some of it (my console lowers and raises!) I am in pain tonight and very uncomfortable. I resorted to trying to sleep in the recliner again. Took the vicodin (Hadn't for a few days, wasn't needing it) and also my fibromyalgia and arthritis meds, that I only typically take when I am sick with a flare of those autoimmune diseases. I think I have a flare coming on, on top of the overdoing it only 12 days out. I have been bending more than I should and doing more than I should, I know that. But it's not in my nature to sit on my butt for weeks, even when I should. (did the same thing when I had my son via c-section 2 1/2 yrs ago). SO time to slowwww down. Called in sick for tomorrow's shift and will probably have the doc take me off on Tues as well (I work 12 hr shifts, 3 on and 3 off as a 911 Dispatcher!). Then I am not due back to work till Sunday because I had already been approved for Saturday off for my friend's baby shower, months ago, as a vacation day. I am NOT missing her shower! I may not move, but I can't miss it! We've been friends for half our lives now!!
I wish I felt back to normal, I started to, and here I am again..Complaining! I had a girls night with my girlfriends at my best friends house a few days ago and laughed my ass off which felt so good! I was feeling great that day. Then the next not so much and then after work today...blech... It's going to take awhile to get back to 90% me, let alone 100% me. It's tough to deal with and I still have no regrets but I am ready to get back to me and back into life.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Tomorrow I will be 1 week out!

I can't believe it's been almost a week since my gastric bypass surgery. It really has been a long bumpy road and it hasn't been easy! BUT it has been worth it!! I am getting really sick of the liquid diet and looking forward to Wednesday when I can have pureed food. I know, who would look forward to puree??? I am just dying to chew something!!!
One thing that is making it a little tough for me is the fact that I can't have sugar substitutes. No splenda, equal or sweet n low. They make me sick; stomach cramps, vomiting, gas (tmi sorry). I couldn't tolerate them before surgery and it was ridiculous to think that I could after surgery, but I did give it a try. I thought that maybe the change in anatomy and digestion would make a difference. WRONG! I spent last night sleeping in a recliner because I felt so bloated and uncomfortable from the sugar free jello and sugar free popsicles I had, that I couldn't lay down. I had to sleep semi propped up. It was awful!
Today has been much much better. I think that I will go take a walk!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Update: Surgery Day and Today I go home!

Had my surgery 4/13. I dont remember much about that day except intense gas pain and soreness. The morphine kept me pretty comfortable, but also makes me sleep. THe nurses tried to get me up to walk, the first time I felt like I was going to pass out so she laid me back down. About 445 the next morning ,I walked a short distance. After that, I walked more and more. I had one time when the gas pain was so severe right under my ribs on my left side, that I started bawling. It was the worst pain ever. They gave me some ativan to calm me down and more loritab (I was already off the morphine pump). Also, when I drank the first couple of times, I thought I was doing sips but apparently ir was too much and it HURT, BAD, REALLY BAD and felt like it was stuck in my chest. Laying flat helps a lot.
I am still walking and right now waiting to be discharged. I get to go home today and I cant wait! I just want some real sleep in my bed, not this hospital bed. Last night I felt really homesick, I wanted to go awol! haha Gas pain is still there and soreness of course. now I am nervous for the staple removal. I noticed some of my incisions have as many as 5 staples! YIKES!

Monday, April 12, 2010


I just had my last meal for the next week. Today was a small meal (hamburger patty with cheese is what I ate) and a cup of nonfat milk. That is besides liquids for the rest of the day. Noontime is my bowel prep time, with a bottle of Citrate of Magnesia to drink (yuck!) So I will probably be a little too occupied and unable to post anymore today. I am soooo looking forward to my new life and it begins TOMORROW! YAY!! I am not nervous at all right now, I am ready to go!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Pre-Op Completed...next...SURGERY!

Today I had my pre-op appointment, which included a little physical, a lot of questions, a weigh in, blood draw, urinalysis and EKG. Everything went ok as far as I know, we'll see what the results say. I've never had heart trouble so I'm not too worried about that. I am ONE WEEK away from surgery and I couldn't be more excited. I am ready for my new life to begin. I am still down 10 lbs from my consult/approval weight and my bmi is below 40 (40 is the approval minimum). I am proud of myself for at least losing a little pre-surgery. I am doing my best to follow the pre-op diet, which is pretty much eating next to nothing, but I am determined to keep my liver small so nothing gets in the way of my surgery next Tuesday. That's about it for now. I am going to a Mani/Pedi night tonight with some girls from my shift at work at a local salon. Looking really forward to getting pampered! I can't wait!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

I fell off the wagon, but I got back on! I swear!

Happy Easter one and all!!! Got home a couple of hours ago from an overnight trip to Pacific Grove (CA). My Aunt Wanda, sister, my nieces and Hunter (my son) and I went to stay at my Aunt's friend's vacation home and enjoy the beach for Easter. We had a blast just hanging out at the house and strolling down Cannery Row. We enjoyed lunch at Bubba Gump's too. I love the fun atmosphere there. However, Bubba Gump's is where I slightly fell off the wagon. We ordered two of the sampler appetizer platters to share between us 3 adults and 2 kids meals for the 3 kids to share (chicken strips, pizza and fries), since the kids can't eat a whole meal by themselves and we couldn't decide what sounded good. The sampler had hush puppies, peel and eat cold shrimp, artichoke/cheese/onion hot dip with tortilla trips, some crispy buffalo style chicken pieces and fried shrimp. I ate a little bit of everything and washed it down with 2, not just 1, iced teas with equal (I am paying for my use of equal with hellacious heartburn! I can't tolerate fake sugars AT ALL!). Doesn't sound that I was too bad, until I add that the tea was caffeinated and I had been off caffeine for 6 days. I also had a carmel apple with peanuts tonight that I bought at Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory (I ALWAYS get one when I'm on Cannery Row, its sort of a tradition!) and I had 2 bean burritos with extra cheese for dinner on the ride home. OH and half a donut for breakfast. I WAS HORRIBLE TODAY! HORRIBLE! But I am sitting here sipping sugar free, decaf suisse mocha International Foods "coffee" (it's alright tasting) and I resisted my urge for a Java Chip Frappucino from Starbucks today and man, it sounded awesome. I had planned to have a last supper at El Rosal (mexican restaurant) this week with Jody (my husband)...but I am now not going to do that since I was so awful today! At least I resisted it the last 6 days. I am pretty proud of myself. Tomorrow morning, I will be putting the protein powder in the Magic Bullet again and getting back on track. I am ready to be a good healthy eater again. I feel so damn guilty!